Posted 2nd November 2011

Fi Speaks at Lemon Sky Digital Summit in Poland

Lemon Sky

Several months ago, (now Lemon Sky) invited our Director of UX & Strategy, Irene Pereyra, to shed some light on how UX and strategy are critical to create a highly interactive, engaging digital experience for users. In talking with the event’s organizer Monika Skuza, we learned that some of the biggest brands in the world have a presence in Poland. But they’re still finding it difficult to embrace digital into their marketing and advertising strategies. And the event was meant to be the first step in addressing these challenges.

The event had a strong circle of digital folks, including Anrick Bregman from digital agency Unit9, Dominick Johnson from Explido in Germany, Thomas Balduff from Total Immersion in Germany. It’s quite refreshing to learn about other areas of digital – from Search Engine Marketing to social media to augmented reality.

We’d like to personally thank and congratulate the organizers of the Lemon Sky event for all of their hard work, innovation and vision to help brands like Coca Cola, Heineken, Microsoft, Tesco and Philip Morris Poland connect with users in a way that’s fun, engaging and relevant. Thank you Monika Skuza and Pawel Jedrak from Lemon Sky.