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Comcast selects Fantasy as a digital partner

Comcast the largest TV and ISP in the US has selected Fantasy as a digital partner

29th September 2015 0
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ZenPayroll selects Fantasy as UX & design partner

The modern payroll company has selected Fantasy to provide strategy, ux and design for a variety of it's web-based services.

23rd July 2015 0
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Aruba Airlines selects Fantasy as digital partner

Aruba Airlines has selected Fantasy to provide strategy, ux, design and development for it's online services.

10th July 2015 0
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HP selects Fantasy as UX & Design Partner

The global business and technology services leader has selected Fantasy to provide strategy, ux and design for a variety of it's B2B services.

18th June 2015 0
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Broadway iPhone app

Following the terrific success of the iPad app designed and developed by Fantasy in 2013, the iPhone app has now launched. You can buy tickets, get the buzz...

10th June 2015 0